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Prof. Cansu Alpaslan

Prof. Dr. Cansu

Prof. Cansu Alpaslan

TEDYUV (The Foundation)

Foundation Executive Board Member

Completed primary, secondary and high school education in TED Ankara College and graduated in 1981. Received her dental degree (1986) and post graduate specialty certification in Oral Surgery (1991) from Gazi University School of Dentistry. Promoted to the rank of associate professor in 1995 and professor in 2002.

She visited several universities as a Visiting Professor or Visiting Researcher Niigata University School of Dentistry in Japan (2003-2005), Groningen University Hospital (1998) in the Netherlands, Florida University School of Dentistry in USA (2001), Albert Ludwigs University (2003) and Ludwig-Maximilians University (2009) in Germany respectively.

She is currently a full time professor in the Department of Oral Surgery at Gazi University Faculty of Dentistry engaged with teaching, research and patient care. She has numerous publications, scientific presentations and 2 books. Taken part in various European projects and acted as coordinator.

Married, and have 1 son.